Family deals with Hepatitis A outbreak
Pam Cunningham Reporter
July 17, 2009
ROCK ISLAND, Illinois - Local health departments continue to confirm 19 cases across Rock Island, Henry, Mercer and Woodford Counties.
And those related to victims of the outbreak are starting to get vaccinated.
The Harts visited the Rock Island County health Department for their first shot in a series to combat Hepatitis A. Their son, Dylan, is infected with the disease.
Angela Hart describes his symptoms, "He got a fever, thought it was just the flu, laid around didn't eat or drink much then his eyes were yellow so I took him to the doctor."
Her husband Shawn explains why they are frustrated, "11 year-old healthy boy then all of a sudden it's like somebody flipped a switch."
Dylan Hart is not the only one. And as a precaution this McDonalds in Milan shut its doors and cleaned after the Rock Island County Health Department told them of their concerns.
Shawn Hart, "I'm just hoping for the best, I hope he gets better and hopefully they find out where it came from and take care of it so nobody else has to go through it."
The Rock Island County Health Department is still investigating but does not know where it started. But says they are taking measures to stop the spread.
One of those measures is vaccinations. Angela Hart says, "Yeah we have to come back in six months and get another shot. We don't have it."
It can be spread from sharing food or drink and if food was prepared by someone infected who didn't wash their hands after going to the bathroom.
Angela Hart is angry, "They don't think about washing their hands and what it could do and now my baby is sick because someone didn't wash their hands."
Washing hands is something we can all do. As for the McDonalds in Milan, owner Kevin Murphy says, they would never jeopardize the health and safety of its customers. And say other businesses are involved in this outbreak.
We were told that McDonalds plans to be open Saturday for business.
The Rock Island Health Department says vaccines will be available to some on Monday.
Copyright © 2009, WQAD-TV