Tough love, is having wisdom enough to withhold expected or demanded help from a friend or family member not because you fail to love them, but because you do love them.
Even though it may be hard for some to understand, Its important that we remember that rules are rules for a reason, and actions have consequences.
Perhaps the most intelligent and compassionate thing to do is to allow our loved ones, to learn from the school of hard knocks.
Mindless pampering does not turn Boys into Men or make Girls into good Mothers. It is through struggle and accountability that we often find glory.
Tough love is a Godly attribute. Some will discount that, but they shouldn't.
The first account we have of God's tough love was in his handling of Adam and Eve. To the two of them he set down some general rules that gave them a considerable amount of freedom (they could for instance partake of all of the fruits in the garden), but disobedience to one "thou shalt not" would circumvent their comfort and cause spiritual and physical death to enter into the world.
When Adam and Eve chose to transgress – law and order prevailed, and tough love began.